Favorable Plant
Favorable Plant As Per Nakshatra
Ashwini Nakshatra / Nux vomica , bamboo .
Bharani Nakshatra / Emblic myrobalan ( anwala ) , grewla asiatica ( falasa )
Krittika Nakshatra / Gular
Rohini Nakshatra / Catechu
Mrigashira Nakshatra / Catechu
Ardra Nakshatra / Silk myroballan
Punarvasu Nakshatra / Bamboo
Pushya Nakshatra / Peepul
Ashlesha Nakshatra / Nagakesar , gangeran
Magha Nakshatra / Banyan tree
P . Phalguni Nakshatra / Dhak
U . Phalguni Nakshatra / Pakar , rudraksha
Hast Nakshatra / Soap nut ( reetha )
Chitra Nakshatra / Wood apple ( bel ) , coconut
Swati Nakshatra / Arjun
Vishakha Nakshatra / Katai , bakul
Anuradha Nakshatra / Maulshree
Jyestha Nakshatra / Pine , cedar ( cheer , devdaru )
Moola Nakshatra / Sal tree
Pursharha Nakshatra / Ashoka
Utarasahrha Nakshatra / Jack tree , grewia asiatic
Shrawan Nakshatra / Aka ( swallow wort )
Dhanishtha Nakshatra / Sami
Satbhisha Nakshatra / Kadamba ( nauclea cadamba )
Purvabhadrapad Nakshatra / Mango
Uttara Nakshatra / Margosa tree
Rewati Nakshatra / Mahua tree ( bassia latifolia )
Favorable Tree As Per Zodiac Sign Aries Khadir , Taurus Gular , Gemini Apamarg , Cancer Plash , Leo Aaka , Virgo Durba , Libra Gular , Scorpio Khadir , Sagittarius Peepul , Capricorn Shami , Aquarius Shami , Pisces Kush .
Favorable Tree & Planet Sun Aaka , Moon Plash , Mars Khadir , Mercury Apamarg , Jupiter Peepul , Venus Gular , Saturn Shami .
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Nakshatra Best For
Ashwini Nakshatra/ To get quick results
Bharani Nakshatra / To banish some thing
Krittika Nakshatra / Purity
Rohini Nakshatra / To develop something
Mrigashira Nakshatra / To complete something
Ardra Nakshatra / To research on ways and means
Punarvasu Nakshatra / To amass wealth
Pushya Nakshatra / To do spiritual sadhana
Ashlesha Nakshatra / To poison
Makha Nakshatra / To lose
Pubba Nakshatra / To produce
Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra / To accumulate
Hastam Nakshatra / To lay hands upon
Chitra Nakshatra / To gain good karma
Swati Nakshatra / To distribute
Vishaka Nakshatra / To speeden up process
Anuradha Nakshatra / To flatter
Jyestha Nakshatra / To overpower
Moola Nakshatra / To destroy
Poorvashada Nakshatra / To invigorate
Uttarashada Nakshatra / To win
Sravana Nakshatra / To decide strategically
Sravishta Nakshatra / To create abundance
Satabhishak Nakshatra / To solve
Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra / To improve status
Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra / To benefit others
Revati Nakshatra / To nourish
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Remedies For Problems As Per Numerology
Problems If no 1 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – educational hurdles , loss in business , speech defects , throat problems , epilepsy , nasal diseases , confusion , lack of power of decision making , difficulty to express individuality , problems from north direction
Problems If no 2 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – problems from one’s own grandfather , ego problem , fear from evil spirit , skin diseases , blood problems , mental diseases , small pox , cholera , lack of confidence expression , lack sensitivity and intuition , impatient & punctual problems from southwest direction
Problems If no 3 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – lack of cordial relation between son and father , problems in govt jobs , punishment from government , eye diseases , headache , heart ailments , skin diseases , jaundice , missing blessings and support of elders , teachers & god , lack confidence, I find hard to express themselves problems from east direction
Problems If no 4 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – lack of cordial relation between wife and husband , failures in love relations , problems from vehicle’s , loss of interest in one’s own adorning , hernia , diabetes , urinary & semen problems & diseases relating to uterus , entrapped in own thought process which make you waivered , frequently disorganized , problems from southeast direction
Problems If no 5 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – find hard to get goals , lack drive and versatility , need constant motivation from others , targets usually not completed hurry to start other , fail to talk properly , no interest in studies , shortage of money , problems from brahmasthan
Problems If no 6 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – obstructs cordial relation with one’s own mother accompanied by mental problems , sleeplessness , cough & cold , urinary diseases , menstrual disorders , stone , pneumonia , hide inner most feelings , usually difficulties with one of parents often father in early life , problems in relationship , problems from northwest direction
Problems If no 7 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – problems from servants / career / evil spirits , wind problems , paralysis , small pox , backbone , leg problem with leprosy , hurdle in studies and works problems from west direction
Problems If no 8 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – do not help in medidation and fall in family income , resulting in loss of money in hand , delayed marriage , deliveries , stomach problems , ear problems , constipation , sleeplessness , lack of power of decision making , always suffering for want of material resources , poor in handling financial matters , problems from northeast direction
Problems If no 9 is missing in birth date one undergoes following problems – short tempered nature , frequent accidents , blood problems , leprosy , high blood pressure , even the relation with one’s brother do not remain cordial , lack in power and valor , means of happiness &comforts are not easily got , problems from south direction
1 ) Please take recommendations for personalized remedies from your learned astrologer on ways to propitiate pacify adverse effects afflicted planets .
2 ) Identify the details for propitiation for reciting tantric mantras , beeja mantras , pauranik mantra , mantra for zodiac sign , following related to respective planets after judging the gravity of problem . The same should be performed with the help of a priest only .
For No 1 Surya Gayatri Mantra , Sri Aditya Hriday Stotra ,Surya Dwadash Naam Stotra , Deity Agni & Lord Vishnu .
For No 2 Moon Soma Gayatri , Chandra Kavach Strotras , Deity Varun & Lord Shiva .
For No 3 Jupiter Brishapati Gayatri , Brishaspati Strotra , Deity Indra & Lord Brahma .
For No 4 Rahu Rahu Strotra , Rahu Kavach , Deity Bhairava & Goddess Saraswati .
For No 5 Mercury Budh Gayatri , Budh Kavach , Deity Mahavishnu & Goddess Durga .
For No 6 Venus Shukra Gayatri , Shukra Strotra & Shukra Kavach , Deity Shachidevi ( Wife Of Indra ) & Goddess Lakshmi .
For No 7 Ketu Kety Strotra , Ketu Kavach , Deity Lord Ganesh .
For No 8 Saturn Shani Gayatri , Shani Kavach , Deity Lord Brahma & Lord Bhairon .
For No 9 Mars Bhoum Gayatri , Mangal Kavach , Deity Subrahmanya ( Son Of Shiva Born After Ganesha ) , & Lord Hanuman .
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Dakshinavarti Shankh
If the dhankh shank worshiped on full moon and especially when in the ravi pushya nakshatra ( this comes once a year and it is the best time and day for holding a spiritual & religious event ) it bestows prosperity on the devotee . The counch was one of the 14 divine products that emerged at the churning of the ocean lord vishnu took this as his property . Dakshnivarti shankh also known as valampuri shankh , lakshmi shankh . It is the favourite of goddess lakshmi it is one of the four attributes vishnu holds in his hands. Dakshinavarti shankh is the symbol of maa lakshmi . Goddess lakshmi is always depicted with dakshinvarti shank in her hands . Dakshina means the south side or when holding the shankh right side south si the direction of kuber the god of wealth. This shankha is very rare & much coveted sri lakshmi shankh has reverse turning spiral . When held with the crown pointed up the conch will trun to the right ( dakshinavarti ) rather than the far more common variety which turns left ( vamavarti ) .When counches are collected from the sea they all have a sirty olivaceous green to gray covering scientifically known as periostrachum .It is of the counch protein called as conchin . Function of periostrachum is to protect counch from any minor fractures. It acts as a binding covering and helps counch animal to retain the counch in the course of repairing of fracture .The animal repairs its minor fractures . It is mentioned in the bhramvavrat purana that once lord shiva killed the demon shankchood with the help of vishnu’s trishul and the demon’s body was thrown into the sea . It is believed that the demon was born as the shankh and since he was killed by lord shiva and vishnu’s trishul is considered auspicious.
Proprieties of right hand lakshmi shankh as per skanda purana
1 ) The sacred counch shell must be dazzling white in colour like cow’s milk
2 ) It must have a long neck and broad body
3 ) It must be long in the front portion
4 ) When blown it should emit a long , loud and sonorous sound like OM
5 ) It should have 3 spirals on the underside
Deities associated with dakshinavarti shankh
1 ) The counch shell is said to be the preserve of several gods and goddesses
2 ) It is one of the four attributes lord vishnu holds in his hands
3 ) Brahma on the seat ( sankhapitha ) , surya in the middle and chandra at the tip
4 ) On the right side are seated aditya , varuna , soma ,vayu and agni
5 ) It is presided over by the twin gods sun and moon and varuna is its deity
6 ) At the back of the counch shell is prajapati
7 ) In front the river goddesses ganga and saraswati
8 ) The hair whorls on buddha’s head spiral to the right as do his fine bodily haris the long white curl between his eyebrows and the conch like swirl of his navel .
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Remedies For Problems As Per Astrology
Remedy for strained relation with father , trouble from government , problem in government job, headache , diseases of eyes , heart , skin , bones , jaundice , fever , tuberculosis , mental weakness etc mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet sun .
Remedy for strained relation with mother, mental tension, insomnia, asthma, reparatory problem, cough & cold, urinary troubles, menstrual problems, stones of gall bladder, pneumonia etc, mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet moon .
Remedy for excess aggression, troubled relation with brothers, accidents, blood impurities, leprosy, skin eruptions, high blood pressure, piles, small pox, plague etc , mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet mars .
Remedy for trouble in education, aggression, aggressive speaking, strained relationship maternal uncle, loss of memory, epilepsy, nose & throat problems, religious passion, loss of wisdom & business, suspiciousness, fickle mindedness, mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet mercury .
Remedy for disenchantment with worship , loss of faith in gods /gurus /brahmins , fall in income and expense of wealth cumulated , delay in marriage & childbirth , epileptic fits , stomach disorder , ear problem , arthritis , constipation , insomnia etc , mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet jupiter .
Remedy for hindrance in conjugal life , dejection in love , vehicle problem , impotency , hernia , diabetes , semen problem , urinary problem , problem in womb etc , mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet venus .
Remedy for trouble with servants and in service , gastric trouble , paralysis , trouble in spinal cord fear of evil spirits small pox leprosy , epilepsy , impotency , ailment in feet etc , mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet saturn .
Remedy for strained relation with grandfather , ego problem , skin & brain disease , ghost phobia etc mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet rahu /uranus .
Remedy for strained relation with maternal grandfather , troubled inflicted by witchcraft , contagious diseases , impurity of blood , pain , small pox cholera etc mentioned ailments & worries are caused by planet ketu /neptune .
1 ) Advice should be taken from a learned astrologer on ways to propitiate pacify adverse effects afflicted planets .
2 ) Identify the details for propitiation for reciting tantric mantras , beeja mantras , pauranik mantra , mantra for zodiac sign , following related to respective planets after judging the gravity of problem . The same should be performed with the help of a priest only .
For Sun Surya Gayatri Mantra , Sri Aditya Hriday Stotra ,Surya Dwadash Naam Stotra , Deity Agni & Lord Vishnu .
For Moon Soma Gayatri , Chandra Kavach Strotras , Deity Varun & Lord Shiva .
For Mars Bhoum Gayatri , Mangal Kavach , Deity Subrahmanya ( Son Of Shiva Born After Ganesha ) , & Lord Hanuman .
For Mercury Budh Gayatri , Budh Kavach , Deity Mahavishnu & Goddess Durga .
For Jupiter Brishapati Gayatri , Brishaspati Strotra , Deity Indra & Lord Brahma .
For Venus Shukra Gayatri , Shukra Strotra & Shukra Kavach , Deity Shachidevi ( Wife Of Indra ) & Goddess Lakshmi .
For Saturn Shani Gayatri , Shani Kavach , Deity Lord Brahma & Lord Bhairon .
For Rahu Rahu Strotra , Rahu Kavach , Deity Bhairava & Goddess Saraswati .
For Ketu Kety Strotra , Ketu Kavach , Deity Lord Ganesh .
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Herbs & Roots To Pacify Adverse Effects Of Planets
Our vedic scriptures have prescribed the wearing of certain herbs and roots for getting relief adverse effects of the various afflicted planets as described below
If Sun Is Afflicted , belpatra may be worn on a sunday in a thread of red or rosy colour
If Moon Is Afflicted , root of khirni may be worn on a monday in a white thread
If Mars Is Afflicted , anant mool root may be worn in a red thread on tuesday
If Mercury Is Afflicted , bidhara root may be worn on a wednesday in a green thread
If Jupiter Is Afflicted , root of bharangi or a banana tree may be worn on a thursday in a yellow thread
If Venus Is Afflicted , sarpunkha root may be worn on a friday in a white thread
If Saturn Is Afflicted , bichoo booti should be worn on a saturday in a blue thread
If Rahu Is Afflicted , white sandalwood piece should be worn in a blue thread on a wednesday
If Ketu Is Afflcited , asagandha root should bw worn in a thread of skyblue colour on a thursday
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Pleasing Ma Lakshmi
Ma lakshmi the power behind material wealth goddess who endows money and wealth , vishnu purana gives a list on where goddess lakshmi resides where animals and birds reside , respect visitors / guests , control senses and behavior , speak politely and softly , respect food , do not be proud and arrogant , understanding others sorrow , bathe daily , wear clean clothes , offer flowers to god without inhaling its fragrance , those who donate , remain in festive food , offer agarbattis to god , keep feet clean and soft , eat less then required , do not indulge in sex on pious days , do not have bad body odour , eat in silence , fast on ekasdashi , offer awala to lord vishnu , remember god in the morning and evening , face north when urinating during the day face south when urinating at night , do not use shabby rundown furniture , do not touch fire and elders with their feet , do not sleep during day , do not have sex during day , keeping property well lit , do not chew lips and nails , take care of physical appearance , respected by wives , don’t have a dishonest wife , women who do not eat while cooking , don’t blame their wives unnecessarily , who respect their wives , do not look upon your body as a musical instrument , do not use tables and utensils as musical instruments , recite shri sukt mantra , the folowing mantra should be chanted 108 times at sunrise om shrim maha lakshmi swaha ( om and salutations to she who provides abundance )
Why is goddess of prosperity lakshmi is called chanchala ( fickle minded ) It is an allegorical way of stressing the obvious reason . All property or riches are fickle by nature . That is the reason why lakshmi’s mount is said to be an owl . That is if you take your riches for granted you are sure to lose them .It is chanchala for those who act as owl and let money dominate their life . But if you are as wise as narayana you will ever get her company .
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Tantra Propounded By Lord Shiva
The tantra is a science propounded by lord shiva himself for the welfare of mankind . Tantra is a holistic approach to the study of the universe from the point of view of the individual the study of the macrocosm through the study of the microcosm . It draws all the sciences astronomy , astrology , numerology , physiognomy , physics , chemistry , alchemy , ayurveda , psychology , parapsychology , mathematics geometry and so on to provide a practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosophy in daily life . Tantra draws them together like beads of strings . The beautiful rosary thus formed is a unique instrument for enhancing the physical , mental and spiritual life of a man and woman . The word tantra is derived from the root tanadi tanu ( expansion ) by adding suffix shtran . According to the sentence shivah tanrayati tanrayate yat tat tantram all business pertaining to expansive system is included in tantra . The tanra is composed of two syllables tan ie physical body and tra to afford protection . Thus tantra literally means control and protection to physical body . Tantra also means tanu vistare is knowledge of expansion /explanation of many aspects simultaneously . By tantra one can expand his body and mind to the extent where time loses its limits and merges with each element of the particular cosmos there is nothing which cannot be accomplished . In ancient time a tantrik was one who knew many vidyas , shastra and granths . ypes of tantra sadhana vama marga & dakshina marga . Prakriti ( nature ) is divided into three parts para denote shiva , seed teh shakti , apara or naad is mixture of two these three are the basic elements of tantra .In india there are many seats of tantrik knowledge like one at kamakhya temple at guwhati assam , tarapeeth at calcutta , mahakaal at ujjain . There are six powerful varities of fortified tantra vanaspati tantra , pakshi tantra , ratna tantra , nakshatra tantra , kaak tantra , vashi tantra , and maaran tantra . Broadly tantras are classified into five groups shaiv , vaishnav , shakta , saur , and gaanpatya depending on its followers tantra shastra describes three types of bhavas divya , veer and animal . In divya or divine bhava a practioner treats and worships all female as shakti and all males as shiva . Tantra is basically worship of shakti pooja .Tantra sadhana is divided in three aagam , yamal and varahi tantra In aagam creation , destruction , Shatkarma ( 6 types of karma ) , Sadhana , recitation , Satyakarma sadhanana and four types of dharma ( brahmin , vaishnav , shaiva & shakta dharma . As erthe scriptures tantric traditions there are three types of troubles in a human’s life these are daivik / divine troubles are created by god / nature for example earthquake , flood , tsunami certain diseases that kill mass of people at one time are alos part of daivik prakop . Daihik / related to body troubles are related to diseases and accidents . Bhauktik / physical mental suffering caused by quarrels . litigation , unemployment this creates sorrow in one’s life .
In tantra shsastra kaali is described in eight forms prominent among them are mahakaali , daskinkaali and bhadrakaali it is also done too ward off evil effects of malefic saturn . Matangi ( sun ) sadhana is done to remove delay ( obstrcution ) in marriage to keep one beautiful to have happy marital life and for success in spiritual , political fields , examinations , competition or interviews . Bhuneshwari ( moon ) sadhana her lord is traimka shiva the sustaining and moving force of the universe through planet moon responsible for growth , nourishment and happy domestic life the goddess is controller and conductor of all the three worlds she bestows power , valor , health , wealth , prosperity , fame and fulfillment of all desires all cosmic vibrations coming from south west can be harnessed by this shakti for proper mental and physical growth . Baglamukhi ( mars ) sadhana he goddess appeared as a result of tapa by lord vishnu to dispel the problems of human beings caused because of a great oceanic storm ( swatantra tantra ) it was on a tuesday and night of chaturdashi therefore her sadhana is commenced on either of the two days the sadhak is blessed with victory over enemy in litigation , competition and election , cure from chronic diseases to ward off difficulties and malefic planetary effects and power to control and torture enemies this is useful in all the shat karma . Shodeshi tripur sundari ( mercury ) sadhna the goddess is creator of all the three lokas and is controller of mind , life , and speech force in the body hence called tripur sundari also . Tara ( jupiter ) sadhana at the time of catastrophe ( pralaya ) she sucks all teh juices of moon , humans , animals , and vanspati and causes destruction by posionous gases also callled as bhagwati vipadharini as she protects her disciples from all types of troubles worshipped in satwik , rajas and tamas forms but satwik pooja is the best she bestows all types of comforts , knowledge , moksha and destroys enemies she is one of the sasam vidya ( ten principal deities of the kli peeth ) and is worshipped to remove all negative effects of jupiter and saturn she gives happiness to women to give conjugal bliss and is must for unmarried girls to get a good husband . Kamala ( venus ) sadhana the goddess is also called laskhmi she is vaishnavi shakti and is oppostire of dhoomvati .
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Yantra flourished in eastern india until the beginning of the 13th century when the invaders destroyed the instituions educating the centers of yantra . Rare manuscripts paintings and icons were detroyed and the teachers were killled, some manage to escape to nepal tibet , assam burma , south india , ceylon , java and took with them the knowledge of all this and also some manuscripts Original manuscripts therefore come to be be preservedin tibet , nepal and remote areas of the himalayas . Yantras play a significant role in the meditative practices as decribed in our classics according to sanskrit dictionary vachaspatyam , yantram is an instrument or an instrument for holding or restraining which may be used to denote a variety of linear diagrams it is a geomatric design acting as a highly efficient tool for contemplation , concentration and meditation . Yantras often focus on a specific deity and so by tuning into different or creative force centresa in the universe according to our classics . Yantra is a technique or path through which one can attain siddhi and attain your desires and is the shortest way provied by our rishis provided they are followed with instructions and directions . There are five types of yanras which are know as bhu prisht yantra , meru prastar yantra , paatal yantra , meru prastar yanra , ruram prisht yantra .According to shastras yantras are divided into seven types namely sharir yantras , dharm yantra , aasan yantra , mandal yantras , pooja yantras , chhatar yantras & darshan yantras .yantras may be of simple designs symbolosing basic concepts such as cross , traingle , square , circle or lotus . They may be of more complex combinations of such elements in figures which represent abstract form the particualr creative forces in the cosmos which are called divinities . Yantras are usually designed so that the eye is carried into teh centre and very often they are symmetrical . They can be inscribed on apper , wood , metal or earth or can be three dimensional it is said that pious spirits ( devas ) reside in yantras and without performing pooja of yantra neityher one can appease them nor attain desired results from yantras .Yantra impliesa process of writing numerals on a paper , bhojpatra , metal ashtdhatu , stone or gold each number has its own significance . Yantras may be numerical syllabical or diagramtic .
Yantras exists in almost all religions of the world hinduism , jainism , islam , christanity . Yantra is an appratus , a talisman , or mystical diagram that can be made after attaining siddhi under the instruction of a competent guru only . Some of the greatest siddhas are tirumala , boga , agastyan , gautam buddha , mahavira , patanjali , goraknath , tilopa , naropa , milarepa who attained great occult powers ( siddhis ) with the help of yantra . In writing and drawing of yantras lines are drawn from east to west when used for a good purpose . Yantras for uchattan , death and one’s enemies are written from west to east . Lines for progress are made from up and then proceed downwards . The correct and auspicious time / muhurat is very important yantras for good causes be written in the morning , for peace at midnight , for videshan at noon , for death in the evening , for uchattan in the afternoon , yantra for good causes like love , affection , and cure of diseases are written on thursdays , yantra related to love affairs mohan , vashikaran , aakarshan , business and sale and control of one’s speech are written on friday and wednesday , yantra related to love , diseases affection , power authority favours and meetings with superior or dignitaries, yantras related to maran and uchattan are written on saturdays , yantras realted to litigation , enemies , videshan , maran , creating differences between people are written on tuesdays , yantras related to love , affection attraction between two sexes are written on mondays the sadhaka should write the yantra at an auspicious and appropriate hora failing which the work started will not yield sucess . Vashikaran yantras brings any person , animal , deity or soul under one’s control including one’s adversaries , Shanti karan yantra deal with cure of diseases and aids in warding off the malefic influence of soul and planets . Stambhan yantras are meant to stop or prevent generally used to thwart the efforts of on’s enemies or opponents who may be plotting for one’s downfall . Videshan yantras are meant for creating difference between people , Uchattan yantras deal with the distraction of one’s enemy so that they remain away from their homes , country , business , families etc . Maran yantras these are death inflciting yantras through which anybody’s death can be plotted .
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Mantras are divided into three major divisons kerela also known as misdra , kashmira also known as sattwika , gandha also known as vama marga , it covers not only vedic hinduism ( saiva , sakta vaishnava sub divisions but buddhism and jainism too . Mantra shastra has close resemblance with the practive of cosmograms called as yantra and with occuklt rituals known as tantra . Mantra is derived from two roots man ( to think ) trai ( to protect ) . Thus mantra is the science of training the mind to protect the self .Human being is composed of three entities atma /soul represented by the sun & atmakaraka , mana / mind including the conscious , sub conscious and other levels represented by the moon and amatyakaraka , sareera / physical body represented by the lagna lord or devatakaraka , Standard texts for mantra are mantra maharnava , mantramahodhdhi , mantra parijata , mantra sarvasava . But most of themare unsuitable for the practive of devotee , for they suffer from disabilities and diseases which the texts describe as chinna , rudha , rakta-hina , paranmukha , supta , visirna etc . A mantra is said to be like an individual and must go through several sequences before it can become effective janana /birth , dipana / bringing to light , bodhana/ activising , abhisheka /concecration , nirmalikarana /purification , jivana /enlivening , tarpanba/satiations & aphyayana /completing . the mantra must be given by guru who has himself mastered the amntra by continous practice .
There are three kinds of sound vibration savitra , anudatta , udatta . Savitra is the mixed tone produced by the combination of high and low tone . When savitra is raised that is when it is uttered with more sound udatta is produced whereas anuddata is low and grave sound . In each of the three accents mentioned above are seven seperate notes widely known as sapta swaras which are called shadja known as peacock , rishabha known as notes of bull , gandhara known as notes of goat , madhyama known as notes of curlew or hiren , pancama known as notes of koil , dhaivata known as notes of horse , nishada known as notes of elephants . Sex of the mantra can be indentified on the basis of ending words masculine mantra ( pum ) can be identified by their ending syllable /words like words vasat or fhui etc. These have the strength to ward off evil and are generally aggresive . Feminine mantra ( stri ) on the other hand is docile and generally ends with swaha or vaushat etc . They require the practioner to be dedicated and make offerings to the deity . Neuter mantra ( naopumsaka or kliba ) has words like namah , hum etc which require to submit to the will of the deity . Mantras are classified on number of aksharas /syllables shorter mantrta are suitable for younger persons , longer mantras are suitable for elder persons depending on the number of akshara ( letter or phonemes ) the mantra can be classified as pinda ( one phoneme ) , kartari ( two phoneme ) , three to ten phoneme ) , mantra ( eleven to twenty phonemes ) and mala mantrta ( more than twenty phonemes ) . The purpose of a mantra in this material world can be classified into six groups as per the final objective to be achieved called shadkarma . Of these only the shanti m,antra are satwik . Vasikaran and stambhanam are rajasik as the reamining three are definitely tamasik shanti /pacification meant for the destruction of diseases , general wellbing and emancipation from the cycle of rebirth , vasyam / vasikaran / captivation meant for captivating another in the form of bondage or physical attraction etc , stambhanam /immobilisation meant for mentally or physically obstrcutuing a person or group , vidvesana /dissension meant for creating difference between couples , close friends or allies , ucchatana / aversion meant for making a person hate another person or place , marana / eradication meant for causing the death of a person or enemy .
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