Configuration of diamond in solitaire rings and zodiac signs.
Aries Venus being the lord of 2nd and 7th houses is extremely fatal .It is also not the friend of mars .Still then diamond can be worn in major period of venus if venus is in its own sign or exalted.
Taurus Venus is the lord of ascendant in taurus .This is a jeevan ratna. It should always be worn.
Gemini Venus is the lord of 5th and houses in this sign . The Mool trokona sign of venus falls in 5th trine. So it is considered to be auspicious. There is friendship between venus & mercury. Diamond worn in the major period of venus proves to be very favorable.
Cancer Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th houses . There is no friendship between venus and moon .
Leo Venus is not benefic since it is the lord of 3rd and 10th house. Venus and sun the lord of ascendant are not friends. Diamond should be worn only in the major periods of venus .
Virgo Venus is the lord of 2nd & 9th house. Being the lord of trine it is very much benefic .
Libra Diamond is the jeevan ratna of venus in libra . Venus is the lord of ascendant and eight houses. It is not malefic since it is lord of ascendant also.
Scorpio Venus being the lord of 12th and 7th houses is not considered to be benefic in scorpio. Apart from this there is no friendshipbetween mars and venus .
Sagittarius Venus is not benefic in Sagittarius as it is the lord of 6th and 11th houses.Venus is the enemy of Jupiter the lord of ascendant . diamond might prove to be favorable in the major period of venus if it posited in 1st , 2nd , 4th , 5th , 9th or 11th house .
Capricorn It is favourable and yogakaraka for the natives of this sign . Venus is the lord of 5th and 10th houses . Venus and saturn the lord of ascendant are friends . Diamond must be worn in the main period of venus .
Aquarius it is very much favorable .In this sign venus being the lord of 4th and 9th houses is also the friend of saturn .
Pisces Venus is malefic as it is the lord of 3rd and 7th houses . Besides it is also enemy of jupiter .
- Published in Solitaire Rings
Horoscope Of Shivaji A Micro View
Birth Details Born on 19 feb 1630 AD ( O.S.) at 6.26 pm ( l.m.t ) latitude 18 32 n , longitude 73 53E .
Planetary degrees Sun 323 56 , moon 178 48 , mars 76 37 , mercury 338 10 , jupiter 307 19 , venus 10 1 , saturn 197 37 , rahu 60 49 , ketu 240 49 lagna 149 9 , ayanamsa 17 14 .
1 ) The lagna is simha or leo, a fixed and fiery sign and the lord of lagna sun is in the 7th with jupiter aspecting the lagna. This combined aspect of lagna lord and jupiter on lagna plus sagitturius rising in navamsa with jupiter lagna lord in lagna, has rendered the lagna very strong .
2 ) His medium stature, quick and piercing eyes and white complexion are brought out by the nature of the rising sign.
3 ) His generosity of character is well denoted by the jovian aspect on lagna.
4 )The lord of the moon lagna mercury is debilitated in the 7th but has obtained a distinct neechabhanga. Moreover, he is subject to a powerful subhakarthari yoga and is free from any malefic aspects. This combination clearly demonstrates the greatness of his genius.
5 ) Aquarius is a mystic sign. The sun, atmakaraka and lagna lord in this sign, in conjunction with jupiter, lord of the 5th, thus constituting a powerful rajayoga, is of great importance as it endowed him with constructive statesmanship, political acumen and the gift of judging character at sight and choosing the fittest persons for his work.
6 ) The moon is doubtless in a common sign and aspected by mars lord of the 4th and the 9th but mercury, another ruler of the mind, is ideally situated. This denotes remarkable mental poise and self-mastery which goes with it.
7 ) The 2nd lord Mercury aspects the 2nd and has obtained neechabhanga. The 2nd is also aspected by the yogakaraka mars from the 11th who is in a kendra from the 2nd lord and a trikona from the dhanakaraka jupiter. These are very powerful combinations endowing the native with immense wealth.
8 ) The very position of mars, the yogakaraka in the 11th, is indicative of his bravery, good character, liberality and great riches.
9 ) The 4th lord mars is in the 11th in nominal association with rahu but aspected powerfully by jupiter. This coupled with the unique disposition of matrukaraka both in rasi and navamsa explains his intense love for his mother. It must be noted that his elastic mind during his young age was profoundly influenced by the deeply religious life of his mother jeejabai which imparted a stoical earnestness to the character of shivaji.
10 ) It will be seen that whilst the 4th lord is fairly well disposed, the 4th house is subjected to papakarthari yoga . Evidently shivaji was unlettered. But since gnanakaraka jupiter is strongly placed aspecting as he does the lord of the 4th, want of book-learning was more than compensated by his mastery of the great hindu epics, and the noble examples of sri rama and the pandavas awoke in him a spirit of daring and inspired an yearning to emulate the deeds of the ancient heroes.
11 ) The moon in vargottama , mercury in the sign of jupiter and the 4th lord in the intellectual sign of gemini receiving the aspect of jupiter did not leave his mind dull and sterile. On the contrary, they gave him an amazing capacity for constructive thinking and action.
12 ) Leo and sagittarius as lagna in rasi and navamsa respectively enabled him to acquire great skill in archery, wrestling, riding and other accomplishments and great adventures fascinated his youthful heart.
13 ) There are several outstanding rajayogas, but by far the most important one is the presence of a powerful adhi yoga by the disposition of three first-rate benefics, viz., jupiter, mercury and venus in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the moon.
14 ) The 5th lord jupiter is doubtless well placed but the 5th is considerably afflicted by the position of ketu and the aspect of mars and saturn. He had five children but was not very happy especially because the character of his eldest son filled him with gloomy anticipation.
15 ) The 6th lord saturn is exalted in the 3rd and the 6th is aspected by mars. But from chandra lagna the 6th is occupied by the sun and jupiter. Evidently he had plenty of enemies but he overcame them by statesmanship daring and personal valour.
16 ) The 7th lord saturn is exalted in the 3rd while the 7th house is occupied by lord of lagna as well as jupiter.
17 ) Kalatrakaraka venus is aspected by lord of the 7th. From chandra lagna, kalatrakaraka is equally strong. Mark the predominance of benefic influences in regard to the 7th and 8th houses and complete absence of any sort of connection between kalatrabhava and mars or kalatrakaraka or mars. This denotes that he was scrupulously clean in his relations with other women.
18 ) As venus is aspected by exalted saturn and as lord of the 7th in navamsa is exalted , he married four or five wives . Shivaji was practically a stranger to his father for several years after his birth and in fact it was dadaji that really trained shivaji in all martial accomplishments.
19 ) Mark the disposition of pitrukaraka in an inimical sign, and his being aspected by saturn in navamsa . But the hero had filial respect for his father.
20 ) The 9th house has been strongly fortified by virtue of the lord being situated in the 10th Bhava aspected powerfully by the divine planet jupiter and venus a natural benefic and lord of the 10th being placed in the 9th . This combination explains the fact that shivaji remained free from vice throughout life and passionately fond of sastras.
21 ) The 9th being devoid of malefic influence rendered him truly religious and there was no trace of bigotry or fanaticism in him. He had perfect toleration for all religions. His chivalry to women and enforcement of morality in his camp has won the admiration of even his hostile critics. A student of astrology cannot but be impressed by the strength par excellence of Lagna, the 9th and 10th houses.
22 ) His first marriage took place in bangalore in rahu dasa bhukti. The major lord rahu is in the house of mercury (the 2nd lord) who occupies the 8th from lagna and the 7th from the moon .
23 ) In the navamsa , rahu is of course in the house of kalatrakaraka. He is supposed to have married the other two wives in 1657 in jupiter dasa mercury bhukti .
24 ) Mercury as we have already seen is in the 8th from lagna while jupiter is in the 7th. The whole of rahu dasa may be said to be a formative period in his life. His association with mars gave him an adventurous career.
25 ) Even as early as 1646 he had taken torana fort from its commandant and indulged in acts of aggression against the sultan of bijapur.
26) It was jupiter dasa that enabled him to found his kingdom in the face of unparalleled difficulties which he overcame by dint of his innate ability, diplomacy statesmanship and above all inspiration and genius. Jupiter has caused a powerful rajayoga because of his association, as lord of the 5th, with the sun lord of lagna, in a powerful kendra and of his having caused adhi yoga.
27 ) The sun, mercury and mars appear to be very important planets for those born in leo lagna, and this is fully illustrated in shivaji’s case.
28) Adhi yoga, so powerfully constituted in this horoscope, all the planets causing the yoga being highly benefic by ownership, made him stand on a lofty pedestal, unparalleled in modern times .
29) Adhi yoga makes one “the lord of men, wealthy, a ruler, famous, prosperous, high souled, overthrow his enemies and widely renowned”, all of which shivaji possessed to a wonderful degree.
30) The fight with nowshar khan took place in jupiter dasa mercury bhukti. Under the same directional influence Shivaji was blessed with an heir to the throne. The defeat at the hands of Nowshar Khan may be explained by the elarata influences shivaji was under.
31 ) As jupiter is putrakaraka and mercury is chandra-lagnadhipati, birth of an issue is justified.
32 ) The next and the most critical moment in shivaji’s life was his successful encounter with afzal khan, for on this depended his hopes of future greatness. This took place in ketu bhukti jupiter dasa . Ketu is in the house of jupiter and aspected by mars . Consequently shivaji’s success was assured and he made afzal pay for his treachery.
33 ) The moon bhukti in jupiter dasa was noted for two important events, viz., an attempt by the cowardly inayat khan to murder shivaji and the death of shahji. Both the major and sub-lords are in maraka houses but because there are other benefic influences, the plot did not succeed.
34 ) Jupiter the major lord owns the 2nd from pitrukaraka while the moon is in the 8th. Moreover, saturn was transiting the 4th from shivaji’s janma rasi. The first 12 years of jupiter period made shivaji great enough to challenge the prestige of the emperor at delhi with the result jaisingh was sent by aurangzeb to vanquish this ‘mountain rat’. Shivaji realised that he was no match for the great imperial army and with his usual foresight he sued for peace. And this single defeat for shivaji occurred in jupiter dasa mars bhukti .
35 ) Mars is doubtless a yogakaraka and aspected by the major lord jupiter, but by transit , mars and saturn were afflicting the 9th and 4th houses respectively. The 3rd and 8th lordship of mars from chandra lagna must have given this great reverse.
36 )The end of jupiter dasa more or less synchronised with the visit of shivaji to agra, the studied insult shown to him by aurangzeb, shivaji’s bold defiance of the emperor, incarceration and the thrilling escape from the clutches of the treacherous tyrant.
37 ) Rahu’s association with mars in the 10th from chandra lagna explains all these soul-stirring developments. Rahu-Mars association is always bad but because of their good location, Shivaji escaped from these ordeals quite safely.
38 ) Shivaji’s insult at the hands of aurangzeb marks a decisive turning point in the history of india. Consistent with the nature of leo lagna ,shivaji was indeed a “lion-hearted man of action”.
39) Saturn in the 3rd house exalted and aspected by jupiter is said to produce a king, and this has been literally fulfilled in the case of shivaji, for as soon as saturn dasa commenced, aurangzeb recognised him as raja and he completely broke off with the moghals.
40 ) We now come to the greatest event in his life, viz., coronation or rajyabhisheka which took place in saturn dasa ketu bhukti. Ketu is a shadowy planet and he is in the sign of Jupiter who in his turn is equally well placed. Saturn and jupiter are mutually well disposed besides being inherently strong. His mother jeejabai died under the same directional influences , ketu being in the 4th from chandra lagna and the major lord occupying a maraka from chandra lagna.
41 ) The great shivaji died in saturn dasa mars bhukti. Saturn is definitely a maraka both by ownership and position while mars rules the 3rd and 8th from chandra lagna both in rasi and navamsa . Consistent with the nature of mars shivaji’s death was due to fever and blood dysentery.
42 ) What interests us in this great horoscope is the elusive character of some of the outstanding combinations that made Shivaji win and create a wave of triumph for Indian nationalism. He was certainly a chosen instrument of God.
43) As students of astrology, we have to note the following :— The presence of strong adhi yoga caused by jupiter, venus and mercury, out of which the last planet has become exceedingly strong by virtue of neechabhanga ; chandra-lagnadhipati obtaining neechabhanga ; and the moon occupying a vargot-tama position and being aspected by two planets. This particular rajayoga indicates that the native though born in a low family will become a king (provided four planets aspect the moon), but here two planets aspect by special drishti. The moon is practically full and is vargottama .
44 ) Out of the lords of the 11th ( viz., mercury), 9th {viz., mars) and the 2nd (viz., mercury) if at least one planet occupies a kendra from the Moon (here two planets are in kendra) and jupiter is lord of the 2nd, 5th or 11th (here he is lord of 5th) a very powerful rajayoga is caused and the person is said to become a ruler of an empire. This yoga obtains very strongly in the case of shivaji.
45 ) We have moon in virgo aspected by mercury. This also indicates kingship. Thus there are quite a number of outstanding combinations. The one great asset in his horoscope is the complete absence of mutual aspects between mars, saturn and rahu. There is doubtless the association of mars and rahu, but they are nearly 16° apart, the one in the 10th bhava and the other in the 11th . Moreover, even the slight stigma, if any, due to this association, is more than compensated by the powerful aspect of jupiter. Hence fundamentally, the horoscope is a constructive one. Shivaji therefore aimed at giving his subjects peace, and a beneficent administration. He sought for national development through action and not by platform orations. He had great personal magnestism and displayed the highest genius as a king and as a statesman, qualities not a little due to the unique blending of the influences of jupiter, sun and mars.
- Published in Horoscope Reading
Horoscope Of Guru Nanak Dev Ji A Micro View
Birth details born on 8th November 1470 ( o.s ) at midnight ( l.m.t ) latitude 31 39 N , longitude 74 47 E .
Planetary degrees The sun 220 30 , moon 38 18 , mars 211 24 , mercury 232 24 , jupiter 164 30 , venus 186 , saturn 39 6 , rahu 263 48 , lagna 136 28 , ayanamsa 15
1 ) Simha or leo rises unaspected by orunassociated with any malefics or benefics. The lagna is vargottama and even in the navamsa, the lagna is unafflicted. This gives an exalted nature and a strong will, and renders the horoscope fortified.
2 ) The sun, lord of lagna, is in the 4th in association with mercury and mars and aspected by the moon and saturn. The sun’s position in a kendra, in the sign of yoga-karaka mars, is highly favourable as it confers a frank and noble spirit and diverse capabilities.
3) The moon-saturn association gives mental conflicts and a spirit of inquiry. Born in a kshatriya family to kalu and tripta , nanak appears to have been even in his childhood a mystic disposition and given much to contemplation—blessings mainly due to the moon’s disposition with saturn and the sun’s occupation of the secret sign of scorpio .
4 ) Lord of the 2nd mercury, the planet of intelligence, is involved in mercury aditya yoga with the lord of lagna in the 4th house, while the 2nd or house of speech is occupied by jupiter, lord of the 5th. These explain nanak’s deep and versatile learning and persuasive eloquence.
5 ) It will be seen that the 4th and 10th houses two important kendras are largely influenced by five planets all natural malefics, except the full moon. Out of these five, the sun happening to be lagna lord , saturn happening to be a kendradhipati and mars , a yogakaraka have become benefics by ownership.
6 ) The martial planet mars , the intellectual and emotional planet mercury, the royal planet the sun ( also atma-karaka) and the mental and the philosophical planets the moon and saturn all involved in influencing two of the most important houses of the horoscope , viz., the 4th indicating happiness and achievement and the 10th (Karma) or the house of action, filled the guru with those great spiritual ideas and intuitions which led him to found a great sect.
7 ) Rahu’s position in the 5th does not favour happiness from children, but it does confer a certain spiritual outlook and the spirit of renunciation and detachment.
8 ) The Moon happens to be mokshasthanadhipati and he occupies the 10th with saturn, the planet of renunciation.
9 ) In the navamsa, again, the divine planet jupiter with mokshakaraka ketu is in the 10th ( karmasthana) aspected by saturn. These are formidable combinations capable of conferring real spiritual attainments after intense mental struggle, a conviction that he was born for achieving something unique in the world by spreading the gospel of the fatherhood of god and the brotherhood of man and sweet resignation to the will of God.
10 ) Mark the fact that saturn is also lord of the 6th. His association with the moon indicates that nanak had to overcome considerable opposition from hostile relatives and co-religionists.
11 ) Nanak was put to school in his 7th or 8th yearwhen he was undergoing the moon’s dasa . The moon has favourable aspects from planets situated in the 4th house. Consistent with the lordship of the moon ( he owns the 12th or mokshasthana ) nanak often surprised his schoolmaster and parents by his queer acts and utterances, and occasional sallies of free thought.
12 ) His spiritual prepossessions and mystic brooding spirit became clearly visible in the course of the moon’s dasa. It was in the moon’s dasa, that he was put to various secular tasks by his parents, but he began to get more and more absorbed in religious practices.
13 ) Guru nanak’s marriage took place in mars dasa . Mark the fact that mars is aspected by saturn, lord of the 7th and is in the 2nd from kalatrakaraka venus . Under the same directional influences nanak was appointed in the service of daulat khan.
14 ) However, as rahu dasa advanced, he abandoned his service and became an ascetic for all practical purposes. Note the fact that rahu is in the constellation of venus lord of the 10th . Throughout jupiter dasa he wandered all over the country preaching his gospel of love and faith in god .
15 ) It will be seen that saturn, as lord of the 8th in the 10th, is aspected by jupiter, as lord of the 8th ( we shall here, for the moment, ignore that other benefic ownership of these two planets ) .
16) Consequently, during saturn’s dasa , nanak and his favourite disciple mardana were imprisoned by babar’s men. Subsequently, under the same dasa influences , nanak came in personal contact with babar and exercised considerable influence on the life and conduct of this emperor.
17 ) Towards the close of his life, the jupiter laying aside the garb of fakir settled down with his family at kharatpur and continued to teach the new faith to the large number of his followers.
18 ) In saturn’s dasa jupiter’s bhukti, he appointed one of his most sincere disciples as his spiritual heir ignoring his own son whom he thought unfit for the task and died at the fag end of jupiter bhukti. The major lord saturn owns the 7th, a maraka place, while the sub-lord jupiter as owning the 8th is in the 2nd another maraka place.
19 ) The horoscope is significant in as much as’ thepowerful rajayogas caused in the 4th house involving the 4th, 10th, 1st and 2nd houses found expression in spiritual channels, conferring on the native fame, influence and extraordinary greatness.
20 ) Owing to the glorified position of lagna and the sobering influence of saturn on lagna lord, in spite of all his greatness, he was simple and unassuming.
21 ) Five planets involved in mutual aspects and associations may be construed as some sort of a parivraja yoga .
22 ) Nanak’s faith was monotheistic. His life and doctrines did not expose him to persecution for he declared that all men had a right to search for knowledge of god.
23 ) The Sun is free from the effects of rahu and ketu . Hence the guru played a patriotic part by ably influencing babar and turning him into a kind ruler .
- Published in Horoscope Reading
Horoscope Of Lord Krishna A Micro View
Birth details date of birth – 19 th July 3228 BC , at about midnight , place Of birth – mathura , new delhi , latitude – 27 25 N , 77 41 E
Planetary degrees Sun 139 48 , moon 47 42 , mars 91 6 , mercury 152 48 , jupiter 148 54 , venus 102 54 , saturn 224 42 , rahu 106 24 , lagna 50 ayanamsa 50 40
Lagna taurus , lagna lord venus , lagna star mrighashira ( ma ) , moon – rohini 2 pada , moon star – moon
1 ) Combinations made lord krishna famous belong to kings family sun , venus & jupiter are in proximity 5th house is occupied by jupiter and mercury .
2 ) Mars & Jupiter have linked to 10 through ketu .
3 ) Sun is in 4th house indicates straight forwardness and open chested walking style .
4 ) Mars is in 3rd house indicates courage .
5 ) Ketu is giving result of mars ( in jupiter star ) . But ketu is signifying 09 ( federal ) and 10 ( profession ) should have eluded kingly power but remained as prince .
6 ) Saturn 05 , 07 and 09 which can cause multiple romances and marriages flouting conventional rules .
7 ) The lagna is taurus or vrishabha, asign of venus, and it is occupied by the moon and aspected by saturn making sri Krishna extremely handsome.
8 ) The dominance of the influences of the moon and venus, with saturn and mars, made the lord’s appearance, wonderfully graceful .
9 ) Lagna lord venus is in his own navamsa .
10) His invincible prowess in the field of battle is brought out by the neecha-bhanga of the martial planet mars in the 3rd or house of courage. It must be noted that he defeated mighty sisupala and other kings and formidable foes by dint of courage, tact and resourcefulness.
11 ) The moon, the planet of emotion, is exalted in lagna, and unafflicted by rahu conferring great serenity of mind, while mercury the planet of intellect who owns the 2nd or house of speech is exalted in the 5th or house of intelligence. This is a unique combination denoting wonderful intelligence and extraordinary conversational ability. His was a giant intellect unequalled in analytic understanding. He passed through the virtues and deceptions of the thoughts of his day. He was superior to any thinker of his times.
12 ) Krishna possessed an uncanny diplomacy and unbounded vision and this should be attributed to the ideal disposition of Mercury.
13 ) Jupiter is in the 4th. Sri krishna was a man of rich and responsive human sympathy but the sun’s association in his own place rendered krishna a terror to the wicked and a friend to the wise .
14 ) The 10th lord aspects the lagna, the atmakaraka sun and the planet of dharma jupiter, in their turn aspect the 10th. Consequently He possessed a passionate zeal to safeguard Dharma.
15 )Krishna’s birth in prison is justified by the association ofthe lords of lagna ( venus ) and the 12th ( mars ) with rahu .
16 ) Jupiter, lord of the 11th (elder brothers and sisters), has gained 8 navamsas and is in the 9th. He is aspected by saturn in rasi and has joined rahu in navamsa . It must be noted that krishna was the 8th issue, all the eider ones having been put to death by Kamsa .
17 ) Due to the exaltation of matrukaraka moon and the situation of pitrukaraka sun in his own house with jupiter, his parents were long-lived .
18 ) Both kalatrakaraka venus and the 7th lord mars together, with rahu, explain the fact that krishna had a number of wives. But as venus is near rahu and away from the sensual planet mars , his love for his wives had no taint of carnality as he was free from attachment of any kind . Though “associated with prakriti, He was never affected by its qualities”.
19 ) Birth in a sign of venus no doubt endowed him with a vital nature but it was under conscious control.
20 ) Mercury, exalted in the 5th or house of children, occupies the constellation of the sun while jupiter putrakaraka is in association with the sun, with the result he had innumerable children born to him.
21 ) The 4th or house of education is considerably fortified due to the presence of jupiter and the sun-jupiter occupying the constellation of venus. It is said that Krishna became an expert in “siksha, kalpas, vedangas and all the vedas, and also in archery mimamsa, logical and six expedients of politics” and that “within 64 days and nights” He became “an expert in sixty-four forms of learning”.
22 ) The Moon, though excellently placed,owns the 3rd while mars, as ruling the 7th, is a definite maraka. Consequently practically throughout the dasas of the moon and mars, which extended till the native was aged about 11 years, krishna suffered from severe strokes of balarishta in the sense that he faced many a crisis in His life, especially from those deputed by kamsa to slay him.
23 ) Probably at the fag end of kuja Dasa , krishna put to death his maternal uncle and tyrant kamsa- as we have already said. Mars as lord of the 7th in association with venus, lord of the 6th (enemies), in the 3rd (an upachaya) enabled krishna to achieve victory over His greatest enemy and thus tide over the maraka period.
24 ) His subsequent exploits in disposing off innumerable wicked kings, in saving the pious and the god-fearing from death and in trying to prevent the fatricidal war between the kauravas and the pandavas are a legion and students of astrology can study them in the light of the lord’s horoscope.
25 ) The most important event is his part in the mahabharata war, which took place about 3138 B.C. when ketu dasa was in progress in the Lord’s horoscope. Ketu is in the 9th, the house of saturn, whose results ketu should give.
26 ) Saturn is yogakaraka and occupies the 7th having gained digbala or directional strength . Krishna’s part in the mahabharata war is well known. As charioteer to arjuna, He remained a silent observer of the war, but directed “the movements to accomplish His final object of destroying the wicked and protecting the innocent”.
27 ) Ketu is mokshakaraka and he is in the 9th in the constellation of the moon aspected by the martial planet mars . And saturn, as we have already seen, is immensely fortified. It was at the fag end of ketu Dasa, that the immortal bhagavadgita was taught by the lord to arjuna, on the battle-field, before the war commenced, when arjuna, overcome by emotional weakness, shirked from his duty as a kshatriya to fight for a just cause.
28 ) In the remaining dasas of venus, the sun and the moon, krishna passed a peaceful and happy life. With the dawn of kuja dasa again dissensions amongst yadavas broke out. Finally krishna shuffled off his mortal coil under the same directional influences. It will be seen that mars as lord of the 7th is a definite maraka and he occupies the 3rd, a house of longevity, with rahu.
29 ) In the navamsa again mars is in the 2nd, a house of maraka. Consistent with the nature of mars , krishna departed by being hit by an arrow. When krishna was sitting under an aswatha tree in a forest, a fowler named jara, thinking the foot of krishna to be like the face of a deer, mistakenly shot his arrow. According to bhagavata, the lord departed to his own abode vaikunta “in person”.
30 ) It is impossible for ordinary mortals to evaluate thepersonality of sri krishna— the lord incarnate, statesman, counsellor, diplomat, philosopher, yogeeswara, the expounder of the immortal bhagavadgita, the destroyer of the wicked and the protector of the pious . All the three important factors in His horoscope, viz., the lagna, the sun and the moon have been rendered strong. atmakaraka sun with the gnanakaraka jupiter aspecting the 10th or karmasthana reveals an integrated and balanced personality.
31 ) Yogakaraka saturn is vargottama and has digbala. His aspecting the sun and jupiter and his being placed in his own constellation are favourable factors rendering the nativity strong and sound. Since saturn happens to be ayush-karaka also, his strong disposition conferred a long life of 125 years.
32 ) Mercury’s exaltation in a trikona—as lord of the 2nd ( speech) in the 5th (intelligence) denotes wonderful and extraordinary intellect. It will be seen that lagna lord venus is with two malefics. This combination plus the kendra position of jupiter and the sun indicates perfection of all aspects of His personality. He was an ideal father and an ideal son, an ideal king, an ideal husband, an ideal statesman and an ideal teacher. He showed the way to do things, to do one’s duty, by being non-attached and he illustrated this in his own life.
- Published in Horoscope Reading
Locker Room / Locker
Locker Room
1) Locker room should be ideally located in north direction . East is second best location for the locker room .
2) Locker room should be square or rectangular in shape .
3) Height of locker room should not be less than of other rooms.
4) Locker room should ideally have one door and two shutters
5) Locker room should be yellow in color
1) The locker or almirah should idyllically be placed in south side of the room .
2) Locker should have its back towards the south wall, front side should be facing the north wall .
3) Locker should not be placed in northeast, southeast, northwest else it would cause loss of wealth.
4) Locker should not placed under the beam
5) Gold , silver &other valuables should be kept in western or southern side of locker .
6) A mirror that reflects the locker is a good omen .
7) Fountain with gentle sound of water provides positive enrgy to the rooms and also increases inflow of money .
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui
Delhi is situated in the west side of yamuna river and it is capital of india . In was called as indraprashtha in the mahabharat era .
Positive Parameters
1 ) Delhi is situated on the west side of yamuna river the presence of the river in east and north east of the city is very auspicious
2 ) The northern side of the city is extended
3 ) The south portion of the city is extended
4 ) An elevated south east portion is beneficial
Negative Parameters
1 ) South west side is reduced and cut which is the cause of instability
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui Case Study
Varanasi is situated on the bank of the river ganga . Ganga rivers is the life line of varanasi . Ganga is most scared and largest rivers in india . Ganga covers approx 2525 km long distance from gomukh to ganagasagar it starts from gomukh and finally meets in gangasagar throughout its way ganga flows from north to south but it flows from south to north in varanasi .
1 ) River ganga flows from south to north in the eastern side of city which means entire city is situated on west side of river .
2 ) In the north side of city the river varuna is flowing from west to east which unites in ganga towards north east .
3 ) The city has a slope to its north east which is widespread and extended
4 ) Ganga flows in the east .
5 ) All the 84 ghats which start from its north side like rajghat and ends in assighat in its south are east facing .
6 ) Confluence of varuna and ganga river in north east of kashi .
7 ) Expansion of north east side makes the natives sweet tongued , pay respect to elders
8 ) The north side of the city is elevated according to vastu hence natives of this city are kind hearted and are blessed with good mentality . They are endowed with high intelligence as well . Because if the expansion in north west they are hospitable.
9 ) Banaras vishva vidhyalaya is situated in north west directions of varanasi city it is found that it is expanded and elevated towards north east because of this reason the intellectual level of the students who study here is very high .
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui Case Study
Bodh Gaya
Bodh gaya is a village in the northeast indian state of bihar. Considered one of the most important buddhist pilgrimage sites, it’s dominated by the ancient brick mahabodhi temple complex, built to mark the site where the Buddha attained enlightenment beneath a sacred bodhi tree. A direct descendant of the tree sits within the complex today, along with six other sacred sites, including a lotus pond. People from distant places come here and do pind daan for the peace of their ancestors souls .
Positive parameters
1 ) Gaya has hills in the west and south directions .
2 ) Phalgu river in the east
3 ) Eastern part is open and has a slope
Negative parameters
1 ) Presence of ramshala mountains in its north and north east
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui Case Study
Pramod Sawant
Pramod Sawant
24 / 4 / 1973
Significance Of Number 1 , In Birth Date It is associated with the communication. It provides a valuable clue as to how an individual reacts and communicates with others.
* 1 Time Means Introvert
Significance Of Number 2 , In Birth Date It is associated with sensitive & intuition power. It reveals how sensitive & intuitive an individual is.
* 1 Time Means Sensitive
Significance Of Number 3 , In Birth Date It is related to intellectual capacity of an individual, and the memory & ability to think clearly and logically.
* 1 Time Means Excellent
Significance Of Number 4 , In Birth Date It is related to, neat, tidy & good with details. On a broader level it provides a valuable clue as to how is practical & hardworking an individual is , also represents order and balance.
* 2 Times Means Pragmatic
Significance Of Number 5 , In Birth Date It is associated with balance. It represents balance, emotional, mental stability, & freedom of an individual.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 6 , In Birth Date It is related to home & family, relates to creativity and love for home and family. It also relates an individual to be helpful with people & friendship.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 7 , In Birth Date It relates to disappointments, represents sacrifice usually learning the hard way, or loss… Their heart rules over mind. They learn through there losses / disappointments in 4 prime concerns Love, Emotional, Health, Finance respectively.
* 1 Time Means Learner Through Experience
Significance Of Number 8 , In Birth Date It represents discipline, organized skills, attention to detail.
* 0 Time
Significance Of Number 9 , In Birth Date It is related with humanitarian, It is associated with idealism (belief in perfection) , valor (courage, specially that shown in war or battle), and ambition.
* 1 Times Means Intelligent
- Published in Numerology
Nadi Astrology
Nadi Astrology is over 2000 years old . The sapta rishis (or the famous seven sages) of the hindu tradition had written about the life and destiny of persons to be born in this world . In a typical nadi leaves reading, there will be 16 khandams ( chapters ) . Out of this, the first twelve will be an interpretation of the first twelve houses in a person’s horoscope. The four additional “ khandams” are
a) Santhi Khandam: This deals with the sins committed in earlier births and the respective remedies. This is similar to the remedies that we suggest in reading of charts. It may involve visits to certain specific temples and performance of havans.
b) Deksha Khandam: Here the deity favouring the seeker, and the mantra is indicated. It may also involve wearing of a particular lucky charm , which would favour the seeker.
c) Aushada Khandam: This deals with the seeker’s chronic diseases, and what medicines are to be taken to cure them.
d) Dasa Bukthi Khandam: This deals with the native’s current dasa and bukthi and its implications.
- Published in Horoscope Reading
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