The urinary system consists of the kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys lies towards the back of the abdomen, one on each side of the spinal column. A tube – the ureter – connects each kidney with urinary bladder, where urine collects to be passed through the urethra.
The kidneys have two important functions
1. To remove waste products from the bladder.
2. To regulate the salt and liquid contents of the blood.
The kidneys also act as an endocrine glands secreting hormones which have the following effect:
1. Formation of red blood cells.
2. Regulation of blood pressure.
3. Control of Calcium metabolism.
There are number of primary or secondary diseases of kidney like inflammation of kidney – cystitis (inflammation of bladder), calculi (nephrolithiasis), nephritis (inflammation of kidney), ulceration, tumour, tuberculosis or cancer of kidney etc.
Astrologically 7th house rules the diseases of kidney. The Libra, the 7th sign of zodiac has concern with the kidney diseases. The Venus is significator of the diseases. The Moon is karaka of all fluids in the body. The Jupiter is karaka for nutrition of body. The Saturn is karaka for calculi and the Mars is karaka for inflammation and abscess. Mars and Mercury produce ulceration.
Some yogas from classics
1. If Mercury is posited in Sagittarius or Pisces and aspected by Saturn or is conjoining Sun.
2. If the Moon is posited in watery sign, and dispositor is posited in 6th or 8th and aspected by or conjoined with watery planets.
3. If malefic planets are posited in 6th or 7th house.
4. If 7th house is identical with watery sign and 7th lord is posited in watery sign.
5. If 5th house is occupied by malefic planets.
6. If 7th house is identical with watery sign and watery planet occupies lagna or aspected by watery planets.
7 If there is watery sign in 7th house and occupied by Sun, Saturn, Mars or Rahu.
8. If 6th or 7th lord conjoins 12th lord and aspected by Saturn.
9. If Mercury in 8th house.
10. If Saturn in 7th house aspected by Rahu.
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