Auspicious Time For Travelling
Our ancient texts suggest that the days on which lord shiva’s trident or shula rests on the ground are considered unfavourable for begining your travel .
Sunday before noon is a bad time to start for the west as the trident on thsi day faces the westward direction , setting off an sunday for a triup can result in sickness , a worst day for travelling .
Mondays unlucky to travel to the east .
Tuesdays unlucky to travel to the north , a journey begun on tuesdays is liable to result in loss by theives or fire at home , a worst day for travelling .
Wednesdays unlucky to travel to the north , propitious for setting off on a business expedition and it would deifinetly bring about positive results .
Thursdays unlucky to travel to the south .
Fridays unlucky to travel to the west , propitious for setting off on a business expedition and it would deifinetly bring about positive results .
Saturdays unlucky to travel to the east , a journey begun on a saturday is sure to bring about financial loss , a worst day for travelling .
- Published in Travel
5th and 9th house in our horoscope gives indication of our past lives and future birth respectively . When a body dies it loses 21 grams which is said to be weight of the soul . Many examples of rebirth are found in india and abroad It is believed that it takes 13 days for the soul to avoid going into an inauspicious form of a ghost or spirit . It is therefore customary to offer prayers and give charity to seek peace for the soul it is only after 13 days that the soul moves on to meet the forefathers it is believed that weapons cannot a soul nor can fire burn it water cannot wet it nor can air dry it it is eternal , omnipresent immovable , constant and everlasting This cycle of birth and rebirth continues until there is a balance of good and bad deeds once it is balanced cycle of birth and rebirth ceases . Every birth incorporates good , bad , and neutral deeds . Good and the bad deed from our present and past birth leads to sufferings or happiness in present life . Avatars are categorized into four nitya avatar god is always in the form of saints and sages those who devote themselves in good deeds are euivalent to god , ansha avatar god takes incarnation for a particular goal for a moment , avesha avatar god takes an incarnation when a devotee needs him , purna avatar god takes birth in the world with his 16 kala or atrributes . Scriptures authoritatively assert about the rebirth of the soul there are innumerable instances when people have encountered expereinces in the last birth confirmed to be true scientifically called paranormal phenomena / beyond the scope opf normal scientific understanding . Nature normally works ot its natural laws which sustain thwe world . Only when negative forces try to disturb them then divine spirit sheds it srays to repair the damage and make it move on the righteous path as lord krishna proclaims in gita paritranaya sadhunaam vinashaya cha dushkritam dharm sansthapanathaya sambhavami yuge yuge meaning i descen to protect the noble and destroy the wicked thus for the restablishment of righteous order my incarnation is possible in every age according to our scriptures it is through religious rites and rituals after death the soul proceeds to take rebirth reference to this subject are available in religious texts maharishi vashishtha the mind of a human being is engulfed by hundreds of desires and ambitions after death ,bonded to these desires and ambitions the soul seeks to fulfil these just as a bird in search of fruit leaves onetree to find another to perch on , kathupanishad 2 /2 / 7 it is said according to on’s deeds one may take rebirth in a special home another may take birth as an immovanle living thing , in patanjali yogsutra 2 / 12- 13 it is said if the accumualted deeds and rituals of the last birth are good one is reborn in a good home and endowed with good abilities and a long life when the soul leaves the body it takes with it the knowledge deeds and the intellect with it based on these the soultakes rebirth with time these show up in the new life , in mahabharata vanparv 209 / 32 it is said with good deeds a soul takes rebirth amongst the gods with a mixtrure of good and bad deeds one takes rebirth as a human , bhagavad gita 8 /6 whatever the soul is thinking of at the time of birth having always been absorbed in it the soul will attain the same in the next life . Our scriptures assert that the soul is part of the supreme spirit like almighty the soul too is eternal has an entity when the soul enters a body it is given the name of person the soul has no color form or sex bhagavad gita 2 /22 just as a man discards his old clothes and takes on new one in the same way the soul discards the old body and enters a new one , rigveda 1 /164 / 38 it is said the soul is immortla physical body is detrutible souls controls allthe functions in the body body functions as long as soul resides within it , brihadrayak upanishad 8 /7/ 1 it is said that the soul never sins it never grows old it is free from death and sorrow it is never hungry or thirsty it has no desires but we should desire it / it does not dream of anything but we should dream about it it is an entity that we must try to understand better , bhagvad gita 2 / 20 there is reference to the immortality of the soul it reads the soul was never born nor does it die it will not emerge again it is unborn eternal , everalsting even when the body is detroyed the soul remains untouched . One can find basis of rebirth in reiligious , moral pyschological and philosophical birth .
- Published in Paranormal
Wind Chimes
Placement Of Windchimes
5 Rod Wind Chime living room and south east corner
6 Rod Wind Chime north west corner
7 Rod Wind Chime west area
8 Rod Wind Chime north east area
9 Rod wind chime south east area
Above 9 Road Wind Chime anywhere in the house or office
Metal Chimes west , north west
Bamboo Chimes south , south eastern , east
Ceramic Pottery west , northwest , southwest , north east
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui Remedies
Luck From Vastu / Fengshui As Per Your Horoscope
Whenever there is a major dosha in the 4h bhava in the horoscope then it should be avoided owning or investing in building , property , land should be avoided also known as jana dosha .
1 ) When dusthana adhipati are posited in the 4th bhava
2 ) When the 4th lord is on dusthana adhipati nakshatra
3 ) When the 4th lord is posited in dusthana
4 ) When the 4th lord is ava yogi
5 ) When the 4th bhava is dagdha rashi
6 ) Papakartari yoga to the 4th bhava or 4th lord
7 ) Aspect of dusthana adhipati on the 4th bhava
8 ) Aspect or assocaition of dushthana adhipati on 4th lord
9 ) When enemy grahas are postited in the 4th bhava
10 ) When 4th lord is at graha yudha
11 ) when 4th lord is neecha , parama neecha or combusted .
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui
Perfect Entrance Degree As Per Vastu And Fengshui
Perfect entrance / direction degree in direction east
1 ) The third place is occupied by lord jayant entrance in this place means gain of wealth , financial sucess direction as per dwar chakra north east two compass designation between degrees 61.875″ to 73.125″ .
2 ) The fourth place is occupied by lord indra / mahendra entrance at this place ensures both respect , fame , success , victory direction as per dwar chakra north east three compass designation betweeen degree 73.125″ to 84.375″
Perfect entrance / direction degree in direction south
1 ) The twelfth place is occupied by lord brithttakst / grihatakshat placing a door here gives good children and prosperity compass designation between degrees 163.125 ” to 174.375″ . Direction as per dwar vastu south east three .
2 ) The thirteenth place is occupied by lord yama placing a door here gives monetary gains compass designation between degrees 174.375″ to 185.625″. Direction as per dwar vastu south .
Perfect entrance / direction degree in direction west
1 ) The nineteenth place is occupied by lord sugriva entrance in this place gives prosperity to the owner direction as per dwar chakra south west two compass designation between degrees 241.875″ to 253.125″
2 ) The twentieth place is occupied by lord puspadant / kusumdanta entrance in this place ensures monetary gains , happy health family to owner direction as per dwar chakra south west three compass designation between degrees 253.125″ to 264.375″ .
3 ) The twenty -first place is occupied by lord varundev entrance in this place bring money , goodluck , health , prosperity direction as per dwar chakra west compass designation between degrees 264.375″ to 275.625″ .
Perfect entrance / direction degree in direction north
1 ) The twenty – eight place is occupied by lord bhallat placing a door in this place ensures money , overall abudance , all round success direction as per dwar chakra north west three compass designation between degrees 343.125″ to 354.375″ .
2 ) The twenty – nine place is occupied by lord som placing a door in this place ensures obedient children , money , prosperity direction as per dwar chakra north compass designation between degrees 354.375″ to 5.625″ .
- Published in Vastu / Fengshui