A True Approach To Horoscope Analysis
In order to analyse any horoscope, follow the steps given below:
1. First of all, identify the problem, i.e. what do you want to know about. In other words, if you want to know about marriage, VIIth house is the one which you should study.
2. See, who is the Lord of this House, and find out :
* whether this Lord planet is benefic or malefic, and
* whether this planet is strong or weak.
If the Lord is a benefic, the traits of the house get strengthened, and if malefic, the traits get weakened. Similarly, if the planet is strong, it has the strength to do good or bad, according to its nature, and if weak, it is weak to do good or bad, according to its nature.
When a planet is benefic or malefic, strong or weak has been given above.
3. Find out who is/are the planet(s) posited in this House. and find out:
* whether it/these is/are benefic(s) or malefic(s),
* whether it/these is/are strong or weak , and predict accordingly.
4. Find out who aspect(s) this House, or the Lord of this House. See, whether the aspect is malefic or benefic, strong or weak, and predict accordingly.
5. Find out which planet denotes the problem, and then find out whether it is benefic or malefic, strong or weak, and predict accordingly. Then, find out aspects on it (point 4 above)
6. Next, find out the Significator of this House, and find out :
* whether it is benefic or malefic, and
* whether it is strong or weak , and predict accordingly.
7. Find out whether this House or Lord of this House or the Significator has any association with VIth, VIIIth, or XIIth house or their Lords. This association is considered bad.
8. Nature of planets (good or bad) can also be ascertained by the States of Planets or as per Lordship of various houses, as explained earlier.
9. Use the Five-Fold Relationship Table to find out the relation between different planets. This will be helpful in ascertaining the enemy-aspect or friendly-aspect of planets.
10. Please note that for one problem, you may have to study one or more houses.
11. Analysing all the malefics/benefics and the strength of planets, houses, find out which is the strongest or the weakest, most malefic or most benefic, and predict accordingly.
12. Sudarshan Chakra Method: For more accurate predictions, this method is used. Usually, Lagna chart is studied. Now make, one Moon chart (with Moon sign in the Ist house), which is normally always made in Hindu astrology. Study this chart as well. Then again make a Sun chart (with Sun sign in the Ist house). Study this chart as well. Detailed casting of this chart is given in later chapters. Supposing, a particular house is under malefic influence in all the three charts, then the native will be deprived from the traits of that house definitely. Similarly, if a particular house is under benefic aspect in all the three charts, that house will be boosted to a great extent. This is called Sudarshan Chakra Method. Now – a – days, some computers are making this chart also.
13. Navamsha Chart: It is a common practice to use this chart also to assess the strength of planets and study the nature of planets and houses. E.g. If a planet, say, Jupiter is exalted in natal chart but is rendered weak in Navamsha chart its good results would get modified. So, it should be made a habit to study this chart also.
14. Studying all the influences on the house(s) you are studying, and on the planets associated with the house(s), try to form a balanced picture in your mind, and predict. This is the most important and comes only with experience. Some aspects indicate good results and some bad. You have to add all the pluses and deduct the minuses and then conclude. This is called “balancing the picture” in mind.
- Published in Horoscope Reading
Manglik / Mangal Dosh
When Mars is posted in Ist, IVth, VIIth, VIIIth or XIIth house in a horoscope, its native is said to be suffering from Manglik Dosh. A boy/girl suffering from Manglik Dosh should marry a girl/boy who is also suffering from Manglik Dosh. The extent of this Dosh has been unduly heightened. About 45% horoscopes are Manglik, as can be seen from the fact that out of 12 houses, Mars posited in one of the 5 houses makes the horoscope Manglik. This makes it still worse when we find that many eminent pundits declare that this should also be examined from Moon Horoscope as well Venus horoscope. Still, some of the astrologers maintain that this should be considered a Manglik if Mars is in IInd house. The entire of logic of this Dosh is based on the fact that Mars being natural malefic is posited in a house which has some concern with the marriage or marital aspects, e.g. Ist House, nature of the native; IVth house for domestic peace; VIIth house for marriage itself; VIIIth house for life of wife; XIIth House for sexual pleasures; and the last IInd house for family. But we know that there are other malefics also, like Saturn, Sun or Rahu. Their placement in these house will also cause as much trouble. Even if there is no Manglik Dosh, and Saturn and Rahu are posited in VII, with the affliction of Venus, there will be much trouble to the marriage or marital aspects.
There are numerous chances of being Manglik, there are no less chances of being under one of the exceptions to this Dosh since there are various combinations wherein Manglik Dosh is ineffective. Some of them are given below :
Exceptions :
1. If in the other horoscope, Saturn is posited in I, IV, VII, VIII or XII houses,
2. Strong Jup Ven are posited in Asc or VII
3. If in the girl’s horoscope, where Mars is posited, there is any other strong malefic planet in the boy’s horoscope, (and vice-versa also)
4. Retrograde, Debilitated, Combust Mars or Mars in enemy sign in I, IV, VII, VIII, XII houses
5. If lords of signs of boy and girl are friends, if they are of same Gan, and/or matching points are more than 30
6. If in the boy’s horoscope Mars is in VI, Rahu in VII and Saturn in VIII, then there is no effect of Manglik dosh for the Manglik girl
7. If both the horoscopes suffer from Manglik dosha
8. Mars of Aries in Asc, Mars of Scorpio in IV, Mars of Capricorn in VII, Mars of Cancer in VIII or Mars of Saggitarius in XII
9. Following combinations cancel Manglik dosha :
i. Moon-Ven in II house
ii. Jup fully aspecting or conjunct Mars
iii. Rahu in Angular houses (I, IV, VII, X)
iv. Mars is conjunct Rahu anywhere in the horoscope
v. If Mars in VIII but in the sign of Jupiter
10. Moon or Moon+Mars in Angular houses
11. Benefics in Angular and Trine houses and malefics in III, VI, VIII and XI houses.
12. If Asc is Leo or Aquarius
13. If Taurus be Asc, Mars in XIIth house
14. If Gemini be Asc, Mars in II,VIII or XIIth houses
15 If Scorpio be Asc, Mars In II, VIII or XIth houses and so on and so on.
This is a very quick and general match-making. But, in fact, the horoscope of both the boy and girl should be studied in detail, with special reference to age, nature, health, sexual pleasures, progeny, financial status, career, and intelligence. Both the horoscopes should not be wanting in the same aspect of life. Although only 5 lines are written on this, as interpretation of charts has been sufficiently explained, yet this is the most important point in match-making, i.e detailed interpretation of both the horoscopes..
- Published in Marriage Compatibility
Jairam Thakur
Jairam Thakur
6 /1 /1965
Significance Of Number 1 , In Birth Date It is associated with the communication. It provides a valuable clue as to how an individual reacts and communicates with others.
* 2 Time Means Communicative
Significance Of Number 2 , In Birth Date It is associated with sensitive & intuition power. It reveals how sensitive & intuitive an individual is.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 3 , In Birth Date It is related to intellectual capacity of an individual, and the memory & ability to think clearly and logically.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 4 , In Birth Date It is related to, neat, tidy & good with details. On a broader level it provides a valuable clue as to how is practical & hardworking an individual is , also represents order and balance.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 5 , In Birth Date It is associated with balance. It represents balance, emotional, mental stability, & freedom of an individual.
* 1 Times Means Caring
Significance Of Number 6 , In Birth Date It is related to home & family, relates to creativity and love for home and family. It also relates an individual to be helpful with people & friendship.
* 2 Time Means Mind Capable To Create Original Ideas
Significance Of Number 7 , In Birth Date It relates to disappointments, represents sacrifice usually learning the hard way, or loss… Their heart rules over mind. They learn through there losses / disappointments in 4 prime concerns Love, Emotional, Health, Finance respectively.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 8 , In Birth Date It represents discipline, organized skills, attention to detail.
* 0 Time
Significance Of Number 9 , In Birth Date It is related with humanitarian, It is associated with idealism (belief in perfection) , valor (courage, specially that shown in war or battle), and ambition.
* 1 Times Means Intelligent
- Published in Numerology
Prem Kumar Dhumal
Prem Kumar Dhumal
10 /4 /1944
Significance Of Number 1 , In Birth Date It is associated with the communication. It provides a valuable clue as to how an individual reacts and communicates with others.
* 2 Time Means Communicative
Significance Of Number 2 , In Birth Date It is associated with sensitive & intuition power. It reveals how sensitive & intuitive an individual is.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 3 , In Birth Date It is related to intellectual capacity of an individual, and the memory & ability to think clearly and logically.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 4 , In Birth Date It is related to, neat, tidy & good with details. On a broader level it provides a valuable clue as to how is practical & hardworking an individual is , also represents order and balance.
* 3 Times Means Very Active Physically
Significance Of Number 5 , In Birth Date It is associated with balance. It represents balance, emotional, mental stability, & freedom of an individual.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 6 , In Birth Date It is related to home & family, relates to creativity and love for home and family. It also relates an individual to be helpful with people & friendship.
* 0 Time
Significance Of Number 7 , In Birth Date It relates to disappointments, represents sacrifice usually learning the hard way, or loss… Their heart rules over mind. They learn through there losses / disappointments in 4 prime concerns Love, Emotional, Health, Finance respectively.
* 0 Times
Significance Of Number 8 , In Birth Date It represents discipline, organized skills, attention to detail.
* 0 Time
Significance Of Number 9 , In Birth Date It is related with humanitarian, It is associated with idealism (belief in perfection) , valor (courage, specially that shown in war or battle), and ambition.
* 1 Times Means Intelligent
- Published in Numerology