There are many kinds of problems and diseases in which liver is involved as a primary or secondary factor such as jaundice, Cirrhosis of liver, tuberculosis of liver, cancer of liver or abscess of liver etc. Being situated on the right side of the abdomen under diaphragm, 5th house and sign Leo are the seat of liver diseases. Jupiter and Moon are the karakas for liver diseases. Sun and Mars rule over the biles. Thus when 5th house, 5th lord are afflicted and have relations with 6th and 8th house or their lords, with lagna or lagna lord also, one suffers from liver disease.
4th house from lagna is 12th house from 5th, thus it also indicates liver diseases if above said planets and karakas are involved:
Some yogas from classical books
1. If Moon is posited in 6th house, conjoining with Mars.
2. If lagna and Moon are afflicted and Saturn is posited in 8th house.
3. If Moon is posited in Leo navamsha and has relations with 6th or 8th house and afflicted.
4. The major period of Venus and sub-period of Moon having relation with 6th or 8th house or their lord and afflicted.
5. The Moon be hemmed between malefic planets like Saturn and Mars and Sun posited in Cancer or Capricorn signs.
6. If Moon be hemmed in between malefic planets and Saturn is posited in 7th house.
7. If Jupiter is malefic planet for a particular lagna and posited in lagna or 6th, 8th or 12th house.
8. The lagna lord, 8th lord and Jupiter conjoin in 6th, 8th or 12th house or lagna.
9. If lagna lord, 2nd lord and 4th lord conjoin in 6th, 8th or 12th house or lagna.
10. If lagna lord conjoins with Jupiter in 6th house.
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