Mantras are divided into three major divisons kerela also known as misdra , kashmira also known as sattwika , gandha also known as vama marga , it covers not only vedic hinduism ( saiva , sakta vaishnava sub divisions but buddhism and jainism too . Mantra shastra has close resemblance with the practive of cosmograms called as yantra and with occuklt rituals known as tantra . Mantra is derived from two roots man ( to think ) trai ( to protect ) . Thus mantra is the science of training the mind to protect the self .Human being is composed of three entities atma /soul represented by the sun & atmakaraka , mana / mind including the conscious , sub conscious and other levels represented by the moon and amatyakaraka , sareera / physical body represented by the lagna lord or devatakaraka , Standard texts for mantra are mantra maharnava , mantramahodhdhi , mantra parijata , mantra sarvasava . But most of themare unsuitable for the practive of devotee , for they suffer from disabilities and diseases which the texts describe as chinna , rudha , rakta-hina , paranmukha , supta , visirna etc . A mantra is said to be like an individual and must go through several sequences before it can become effective janana /birth , dipana / bringing to light , bodhana/ activising , abhisheka /concecration , nirmalikarana /purification , jivana /enlivening , tarpanba/satiations & aphyayana /completing . the mantra must be given by guru who has himself mastered the amntra by continous practice .
There are three kinds of sound vibration savitra , anudatta , udatta . Savitra is the mixed tone produced by the combination of high and low tone . When savitra is raised that is when it is uttered with more sound udatta is produced whereas anuddata is low and grave sound . In each of the three accents mentioned above are seven seperate notes widely known as sapta swaras which are called shadja known as peacock , rishabha known as notes of bull , gandhara known as notes of goat , madhyama known as notes of curlew or hiren , pancama known as notes of koil , dhaivata known as notes of horse , nishada known as notes of elephants . Sex of the mantra can be indentified on the basis of ending words masculine mantra ( pum ) can be identified by their ending syllable /words like words vasat or fhui etc. These have the strength to ward off evil and are generally aggresive . Feminine mantra ( stri ) on the other hand is docile and generally ends with swaha or vaushat etc . They require the practioner to be dedicated and make offerings to the deity . Neuter mantra ( naopumsaka or kliba ) has words like namah , hum etc which require to submit to the will of the deity . Mantras are classified on number of aksharas /syllables shorter mantrta are suitable for younger persons , longer mantras are suitable for elder persons depending on the number of akshara ( letter or phonemes ) the mantra can be classified as pinda ( one phoneme ) , kartari ( two phoneme ) , three to ten phoneme ) , mantra ( eleven to twenty phonemes ) and mala mantrta ( more than twenty phonemes ) . The purpose of a mantra in this material world can be classified into six groups as per the final objective to be achieved called shadkarma . Of these only the shanti m,antra are satwik . Vasikaran and stambhanam are rajasik as the reamining three are definitely tamasik shanti /pacification meant for the destruction of diseases , general wellbing and emancipation from the cycle of rebirth , vasyam / vasikaran / captivation meant for captivating another in the form of bondage or physical attraction etc , stambhanam /immobilisation meant for mentally or physically obstrcutuing a person or group , vidvesana /dissension meant for creating difference between couples , close friends or allies , ucchatana / aversion meant for making a person hate another person or place , marana / eradication meant for causing the death of a person or enemy .