1. Favorable sun , the champ maintains his title the team favoured by public & experts wins as expected . Good sportsmanship and successful showmanship .
2. Afflicted sun , the champ loses his title . Poor sportsmanship while the event itself is a flop as a spectacle.
3. Favorable moon, the public is satisfied . Event has great audience appeal .
4. Afflicted moon dissenting public opinion . A restless audience .
5. Favorable mercury , game fast with high scoring . Clever plays . Much dexterity and nimbleness displayed .
6. Afflicted mercury, game erractic with unbalanced scoring. Penalties aplenty. Spectacular plays. Speed .
7. Favorable venus the younger wins , Fairest peigment is favoured . Good sportsmanship . Colorful fraternal atmosphere.
8. Afflcited venus loses , Fairest pigment disfavoured . Poor sportmasnhip . Jealousies evident.
9. Favorable mars actions galore , Game fast & vigorous .
10. Afflicted mars actions galore , Game fast and reckless. Injuries to players. Bad sportmaship . Unruly audiences. Bully tactics employed .
11. Favorable jupiter justified optimism, Good sportmaship . Show of fair play . high scoring .
12. Afflicted jupiter undue optimism , Poor teamwork , cordiantion . Foul play. Numerous penalties imposed .
13. Favorable saturn the elder is favoured . game slow & steady . Titles maintained . Energy economized.
14. Afflicted saturn the elder is disadvantage. Game slow , delayed , injuries , upsets , reversals .
15. Favorable uranus ( rahu ) possible change in title ( houses permitting ) . Exciting plays . Surprises new tactics employed .
16. Afflicted uranus ( rahu ) the champ losses . eccentric scoring & spectaluar plays . Disputes among judges .
17 . Favorable neptune ( ketu ) smooth running game . Much superficiality .
18. Afflicted neptune ( ketu ) confusion . Possible injustice or fraud. unfair advantages or penalties .
19. Favorable pluto excitement prevails. Highly cordianted teamworkor skill . Public pleased with outcome .
20. Afflicted pluto players & audience restless . Disorganized teamwork . Lack of skill but much force .
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