1. The whinnying of horse is always held auspicious it it seems to be coming from the north quarter.
2. According to ramayan by valmiki the pathetic neighing of the horse at the time of starting is reckoned as bad omen.
3. The soothsayer prahast noted that falling down of the horse is definitely a bad omen for the rider.
4. Slow and hesitating movement of the horse is considered inauspicious.
5. If a horse passes blood mixed urine at the time of departure it foretells the death of his master.
6. If the opponent horse refuses to eat even good quality tender grass if is sure sign of victory. The famous king raja harshavardhan ( of 7th century ) noted this omen during his victory over his adversary king .
7. Neighing or whinnying of a horse at the time of departure is always held auspicious, king dushyanta felt it distinctly when he started for hunting
8 . In the mahabharata it is mentioned that the weeping of a horse during war time foretold destruction of the kauravas , lord krishna had taken the whinnying of the horse as an omen for victory at the time of departure .
9. Jain seer vijaysen suri reckons that whinnying of horse the rapid movement of it tail and thumping of its right leg again and again on the earth at the time of departure is surely an auspicious omen for victory and success.
10. The viewing of white and red horse indicates good omen.
11. Black horse coming towards the left side is always a good omen, but its appearance in the right side or in front of viewer is a bad omen for the viewer.
12. It is a general rule that observing a flame behind or to the left of the saddle of the horse is inauspicious , seeing a flame backwards of a horse is also regarded as a bad omen.
13. Seeing a horse covered by flames all over leads to a definite loss in a dream also, so do the sparks or smoke around the horse foretell two years bad phase
14. It is believed ( in a dream ) flame is observed around the face or head of the horse the owner will be victorious .
15. Observance of the flame around the horse shoulders back where the saddle is put or around the side of the neck leads to the owners victory that around its hind legs his imprisonment.
16. If smoke is observed around the horse forehead, breast, eyes or or forelegs are affected. If a flame is observed around these parts it foretells victory .
17. The observance of flame at night around its snout middle of the nose, head or lower parts of cheek (where the tears fall to ) and if the eyes of the horse are green leads to success .
18. If the horse shows disliking to food or sweets or repeatedly falls down or develops convulsion without any apparent cause or has blood or smoke like fumes appearing from its mouth all these symptoms augur bad for the owner .
19. If the horse resists and shows violence to keep awake for the night develops drowsiness or impulsive mood by the day appears lethargic or has log drawn face then all of these activities bid ill for the owner.
20.If a horse carrying a saddle and a rider gets upon another horse especially a stallion or a royal horse it forebodes disaster for both the horse and the rider .
21. If a horse whinnys like a krancha ( curlew ) or with its face raised up and the neck motionless or has a pleasant , loud , and resonant laugh or whinnys happily with its mouth filled with grass the enemy will be killed .
22. If in the vicinity of a whinnying horse there is a pot replete with some auspicious fluid like curds or honey or a brahmin an idol of a deity , perfume , flowers , fruits , gold and the like or some other auspicious things the victory over the enemy will be assured .
23. Horses that willingly eat their right side bestow all the desired object on their masters.
24. If the horses stamp the earth with their left hoof their masters or master will surely be undertaking a journey abroad if they face resplendent quarter at any time their master will suffer imprisonment of defeat .
25. If the horse neigh too much or too frequently or shake their tails or appear sleepy they foretell their master or masters undertaking a journey if they lower their mane and utter feeble or harsh sound or eat the dust they indicate danger to their master.
26. If the horse lie on their right side or stand on the ground with right leg raised they confer success on their masters. The same effects as given above should be applied to the other quadrupeds like elephants and camels as well according to the prevailing circumstances.
27. The horse that is very obedient when the rider mounts it goes in or faces the direction to which the rider is bound or contemplating to embark upon and reciprocation of the other horses whinnys or touches its right side with its mouth always prognosticates enhancements in its master’s wealth and power.
28.The horse that passes urine and excreta too frequently does not go along the proper direction in spite of being whipped shows light without any cause or sensing the proximity of the opponents has tearful leys does not foretell prosperity or happiness to its master .
29. One white horse forebodes ill luck two white horse together good luck . If pair of lovers see one white horse the observation ensures good luck to the couple . If a piebald horse is espied it means goodluck to the observer .
30. If the tail of a piebald horse is seen it foretells good fortune to the observer .
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