1 ) First and tenth house are also to be considered as important first house is general prosperity and good health . Tenth house is to achieve e success at the career front. Functional malefic in the house would spoil the career and also one’s health.
2 ) Third and seventh house are the principal houses for the professional jockey third house signifying courage , stamina etc . Seventh house signifying talent energy, foreign travel to achieve success against the opponents.
3 ) Planets moon and venus play a vital role in jockey’s profession .Occupancy of these planets in benefic houses is of utmost importance .
4 ) Mars is karaka for courage and stamina. Well positioned mars will give good health and make one a successful jockey .Afflicted mars will affect one’s health or it would cause accident, while riding or in driving .
5 ) Houses 9 and 11 are the secondary houses well placed ninth lord will make one a popular and successful person . Also it helps one to achieve honor and everlasting fame .
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