Dr benoytosh bhattacharya of naihati ( west bengal ) evolved a system by which gems could be used in distant healing . A silver disc 3 – 4 inches in diameter is prepared set with the required gem . This disc is fitted to a small electric motor and switched on to a speed of 1500 to 1800 rpm . The gem start radiating their cosmic energy . Now if a photograph of a person suffering from diseases were kept before the radiating disc it would at once receive the necessary vibrations or the cosmic rays of the particular gem and would carry it in an instant to the person residing anywhere in the world. This system was used by dr benoytosh bhattacharya and was called as tele therapy he used to cure incurable diseases of people from various parts of the world by this method .
Gems are fixed over the silver discs 3 inch in diameter. These disc are fitted to the shafts of electric motors by bushes and are made to rotate in front of the board carrying photographs etc of the patients from 6 to 10 hou daily for hot or cold colors respectively .
Vibrators are made of radio cones they are closed boxes . In front doors the photographs etc are fixed . Discs of gems or small bags from mosquito nets containing the required gems are hung in books in front of radio cones . These cones are connected with the main lines by step down transformers . The cones vibrate the gems which subsequently release their colors on the photographs and cure the diseases of person concerned. Some are cured quickly and the other chronic ones take time . So called incurable diseases have been cured . There are no side effects no drug diseases . The astral vehicle of the patient discards the wrong color and no untoward effect occurs even if the color given may not be required. Herein lies the safety of the treatment. The treatment works smoothly , silently , swiftly and to the root .Gems are fixed over the silver discs 3 inch in diameter. These disc are fitted to the shafts of electric motors by bushes and are made to rotate in front of the board carrying photographs etc of the patients from 6 to 10 hou daily for hot or cold colors respectively .
Vibrators are made of radio cones they are closed boxes . In front doors the photographs etc are fixed . Discs of gems or small bags from mosquito nets containing the required gems are hung in books in front of radio cones . These cones are connected with the main lines by step down transformers . The cones vibrate the gems which subsequently release their colors on the photographs and cure the diseases of person concerned. Some are cured quickly and the other chronic ones take time . So called incurable diseases have been cured . There are no side effects no drug diseases . The astral vehicle of the patient discards the wrong color and no untoward effect occurs even if the color given may not be required. Herein lies the safety of the treatment. The treatment works smoothly , silently , swiftly and to the root .
Distance healing is also known as absent healing, tele therapy where the where rays of gems are broadcast over the photographs , saliva or blood drops taken on blotting papers or the signatures of the patients by rotating the gems by electric motors or by radio cone vibrators . The rays travel to the person concerned where ever he is with the velocity of light and envelope him so long as the electric motors or cone vibrators are kept moving . Process of healing is thus affected . The scientific proof of this is explained as under :- Take a prism . See the white light or sun light through it . The white light will be refracted and will be seen as emerging out in the forms of beautiful rainbow colors. Now examine with the prism the gems representing the planets .
Planets are nine and the corresponding representative gems are also nine each gem presents a definite colour under the prism as follows ruby red , pearls orange , coral yellow , emerald green , moonstone yellow sapphire blue , diamonds indigo , sapphire violet , gomed cats eye both rahu and ketu are under invisible spectrum. Rahu on the ultra violet and ketu on infrared sides .
Now look with the prism at a healthy human being or his photograph . You will notice that cavities of ear show blue color , skin violet , eyes red , tongue orange , tip of nose green . These are the sense organs of the five great elements of akash ( ether ) vayu ( air ) agni ( fire ) jala ( water ) prithvi ( earth ) respectively of which body is composed . Indigo is also for water element and yellow for fire . These colors are constant for any human being anywhere on earth . Prism shows changes in the intensity of these colors over the persons and their photographs as well though taken during their healthy period. For example in fevers and inflammation the red is enhanced which is seen as the main color over the face . Prism gives us a good information about decrease or increase in colours about health or disease and even of death due to changes in colours . When the rays of the gems are broadcast over the photographs of the person the changes in the aura over the person and his other photographs whereever he may be are immediately made out by seeing through a prism . Prism affords a result are sure and straight.
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