Auspicious Time For Filing Law Suits
1. Avoid the usual unfavourable lunar days. Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Pushya, Uttara, Hasta, Chitta, Anuradha, Dhanishta and Revati are good.
2. Tuesday and Saturday should be avoided.
3. Strengthen the Lagna by placing Jupiter in a Trikona.
4. Let there be no malefic in the 6th house.
5. The lords of Lagna and the 6th should be as far apart as possible.
6.The Lagna or at least the Navamsa must be Aries in order to assure success to the litigation. If benefics occupy kendras or occupying the male signs, have beneficial aspects, there will be peace between the parties. mgClick
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Auspicious Time For Making a Will
1. The Moon, the Lagna and the lord of the Lagna should all be in fixed signs.
2. The constellation of Pushyami is the best as also Wednesday and Thursday – Tuesday and Friday should be avoided.
3. For the benefit of the legatee, the rising sign should be one of Jupiter or Venus.
4. Let Mars and Saturn be in the 3rd or 11th house.
5. The 8th house must also be rendered strong as otherwise the testator will die.
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Litigations & Disputes In Courts
The 3rd house to 8th house are considered the house of defendant and to be 9th house to 2nd house are considered to be that of plaintiff . If benefic planets are posited in the arc of defendant the defendant wins. If the benefic planets are posited in the arc of plaintiff the plaintiff wins .
The popular view is that the lagna is querrent and the 7th house is opponent. If lagna lord or malefic in lagna is debilitated or combust or weak the querrent will not win . the querrent will win if strong malefic is posited in lagna or the moon is conjunct with or aspected by benefic planets or if there is a small longitude of lagna lord and in strength with benefic planets posited in kendra there from .
If lagna and 7th house both are occupied by malefic planets the result of the dispute will not be peaceful and the same will happen if there is ithasala of 7th lord and lagna lord . If cancer , scorpio , pisces , and aquarius signs are in 4th house the opponent losses the litigation . the savant prithyasha writes that if aries , taurus , leo , or Sagittarius ( animal signs ) are in 4th house or lagna the querent wins . If the moon is posited with benefic planets in half cycle from 10 th to 4th via lagna and lagna is strong the querist will win . The four or five planets in lagna makes the lagna weak or four or five planets in 7th make the 7th house weak .
- Published in Legal