Auspicious Time For Travelling

Our ancient texts suggest that the days on which lord shiva’s trident or shula rests on the ground are considered unfavourable for begining your travel .
Sunday before noon is a bad time to start for the west as the trident on thsi day faces the westward direction , setting off an sunday for a triup can result in sickness , a worst day for travelling .
Mondays unlucky to travel to the east .
Tuesdays unlucky to travel to the north , a journey begun on tuesdays is liable to result in loss by theives or fire at home , a worst day for travelling .
Wednesdays unlucky to travel to the north , propitious for setting off on a business expedition and it would deifinetly bring about positive results .
Thursdays unlucky to travel to the south .
Fridays unlucky to travel to the west , propitious for setting off on a business expedition and it would deifinetly bring about positive results .
Saturdays unlucky to travel to the east , a journey begun on a saturday is sure to bring about financial loss , a worst day for travelling .