Individuals born under the following five nakshatras are blessed with astrological powers for success in journalism .
1. Mrigashira Nakshatra ( Last Two Quarters ) location 0 to 6 :40 degrees sign lord mercury constellation lord mars .
2. Punarvasu Nakshatra ( First Three Quarters ) location 20 to 30 degrees gemini sign lord mercury constellation lord jupiter.
3. Magha Nakshatra location 0 to 13: 20 degree leo sign lord sun constellation lord the south node ( ketu ) .
4.Uttara Phalguni ( Last Three Quarters ) location 0 to 10 degree virgo sign lord mercury constellation lord sun .
5. Moola Nakshatra location 0 to 13: 20 sagittarius sign lord jupiter constellation lord venus .
For success in the profession of writing editing and journalism the planets mercury and jupiter should be related in some way with the profession indicating houses and signficators and the houses 3rd and 9th . The 3rd house indicates writing in newspapers whereas the 9th house is for a more detailed and lasting nature .
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